Don’t Waste Your Own Damn Time in 2018

“Just say no to fuckboyz.” -Poetic words from a Diva named Dom!!!!

I, myself could not think of a way to do this… I couldn’t come up with a way to write something to encourage my followers to tackle 2018’s ass! I am going to start something new… on Thursdays I will taking time and seeking out new blogger friends! What are the odds that on the first Thursday of the year I find ANOTHER GIRL NAMED DOM!!!!

And she speaks my language!!!!

PLEASE! Read this friends! And take the time to follow Dom and read her posts!

Diva Named Dom

I know, I know… it’s “new year, new me,” time again and here we are avowing to get our shit together once and for all. This post is not about overhauling your life; rather, making small changes that collectively impact your life in a major way.

Failure to plan is planning to fail.

I have an unfair advantage with this one. I have high anxiety which affords me high octane performance because I’ve developed efficient habits to combat my anxiety. Instead of stressing out about my lengthy to do list, I know exactly which hours of the day I’m most productive and I schedule my life accordingly (the night before). By doing so the night before, I am afforded peaceful sleep (and not anxious napping—there’s a difference) and I assure I wake up with enough time to handle everything on my list; some mornings are earlier than others depending on…

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